
IF: Geoh's Back to School (2021 - Book 1)

Summer has come to an end; school is about to begin. And for Geoh, that should be an exciting time heading into the sixth grade! Except it’s not-new school, no friends, changing grades a lot to get used to at home and at school. Geoh thinks to himself, What if he makes no friends? What if no one likes him? What if his teacher doesn’t like him? What if he’s late to class? What if he can’t even find his class? And what if he doesn’t like the school lunch! Oh, how he wishes he could go back to his old school where he knew everyone, and he knew how to get from class to class. But instead, he has to be at this new school having to make new friends. All these thoughts came rushing through his mind as he envisioned how his first day back in school would be. Would his best be good enough for those who did see-as long as he tried to do his best? Only Geoh could try and wait and see! Geoh thought to himself, Hmm? “Oh, What a place this could be? Oh! What a place this could be?”

Class! Class!: Geoh's 6th Grade Adventure with Miss Redd (2023 - Book 2)

Sweaty palms, heart palpitations, and anticipating thoughts are happening, as it is minutes before the school bell is about to ring to start the day! Not just any day, but my first day of sixth grade! I can feel my heart beating like a drummer playing the drums as I walk toward Room 1218. Oh! What could possibly be waiting for me once I pass through the doorframe to Miss Redd’s classroom? Oh! What could she possibly be like? What if she is not expecting me? Oh! What a terrible thing that would be! What if I’m in the wrong class? Oh! What a mess that would be! Oh! What a terrible first day of school that would be! What if I can’t find my desk? What if I don’t have anyone to eat lunch with? What if I don’t have anyone to walk to lunch with? Would Miss Redd walk with me?

All these different thoughts came rushing through Geoh’s mind once again as he walked to his new classroom. Then, as he entered the doorway, he suddenly heard, “Hello, Geoh!” Geoh thought to himself, She knew my name without even asking me! She must be a superhero! Could it be? Geoh’s eyes immediately took notice of the many new things filling the walls of his new classroom with Miss Redd. He thought to himself, Oh! What a year it could be! Thoughts came flying through Geoh’s mind like a fiery jet on a sunny blue-sky day! He thought just maybe that today might go his way if he would just try to do his best! Maybe Room 1218 could really turn out to be the best room he’s ever set foot in yet! Standing at the doorway, looking around and at his new classroom, Geoh began to think, Oh! What a year it could be! Oh! What a year it could be!

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