
Author's Notes

At IAMGEOH we walk on a specific path in our community recognizing those who live among us that may need a little reminder that they are loved and not alone. Along with community partners having this same thought, we continue to work harder every day to make this message clear to our neighbors around us. 

“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” 
Matthew 22:39 NKJV


Is simple. Just G.I.V.E. Give as He freely gave of himself and showed us how to give by example. I. There is none in the words LOVE or HOPE which is what we try to give and show in action to those who are most in need. Volunteer is just another word for servant as God told us we are called to do. Evolve daily and grow closer to God so you can see what he needs you to see, hear what he needs you to hear so you can better serve those he needs you to serve. 



Is to strive daily to be the best we can be as human beings in our actions, words, and thoughts; Especially towards others. To uphold our MISSION and to share it with as many people as we can and to continue to do more every day~ 

A hui hou ka kou 
L.C. Young